Breville Bfp660sil Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor: A Versatile Kitchen Companion

Breville Bfp660sil Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor

The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor is a versatile and efficient kitchen appliance that can make your cooking tasks easier and quicker. With its powerful motor and various attachments, it can help you chop, slice, shred, puree, and knead ingredients with ease.

Key Features

The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor has several features that make it stand out from other food processors in the market. Here are some of its key features:

  • 12-cup capacity: This food processor has a 12-cup capacity, which means you can process large quantities of ingredients at once. This makes it ideal for families or for those who like to batch cook.
  • 1000-watt motor: The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor comes with a powerful 1000-watt motor that can handle tough ingredients with ease. This means you can easily puree vegetables, shred meat, or knead dough without any issues.
  • 8 discs and blades: This food processor comes with 8 discs and blades that can help you achieve different results with your ingredients. For example, you can use the adjustable slicing disc to slice ingredients at different thicknesses, or you can use the micro-serrated S-Blade to chop ingredients finely.
  • Safety features: The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor has several safety features, including a safety locking system and non-slip feet. These features ensure that the food processor stays in place during use and that the blades don’t accidentally come in contact with your fingers.
Breville Bfp660sil Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor


There are several benefits of using the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor. Here are some of them:

  • Time-saving: This food processor can help you save a lot of time in the kitchen. It can chop, slice, and shred ingredients in a matter of seconds, which can be especially helpful when you’re in a hurry.
  • Versatile: The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor is a highly versatile appliance that can help you with a variety of tasks. It can puree vegetables, shred cheese, knead dough, and more.
  • Easy to use: This food processor is very easy to use. It comes with a large feed chute that can accommodate whole fruits and vegetables, which means you don’t have to spend time cutting them into smaller pieces.


While the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor has several benefits, it also has some drawbacks. Here are some of them:

  • Large size: This food processor is quite large and takes up a lot of counter space. If you have a small kitchen, you may find it difficult to store it.
  • Expensive: The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor is quite expensive compared to other food processors in the market. If you’re on a tight budget, you may want to consider other options.
  • Cleaning: Cleaning the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor can be a bit of a hassle. The various attachments and blades need to be washed separately, which can be time-consuming.

Does the Breville Sous Chef puree?

Yes, the Breville Sous Chef can puree ingredients. It comes with a variable slicing disc that allows you to adjust the thickness of your slices and a reversible shredding disc that can shred and puree ingredients. The food processor also comes with a mini processing bowl and an S-blade that can be used to puree smaller quantities of ingredients such as herbs, nuts, or garlic.

What does a Breville food processor do?

A Breville food processor is a versatile kitchen appliance that can perform a range of functions such as chopping, slicing, shredding, dicing, mixing, kneading, and pureeing ingredients. It is equipped with a powerful motor and various attachments such as discs, blades, and bowls that allow you to process ingredients quickly and easily.

Breville Bfp660sil Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor

A Breville food processor can help you save time and effort in the kitchen by performing laborious tasks such as chopping vegetables or kneading dough.

Is the Breville Sous Chef dishwasher safe?

Yes, some parts of the Breville Sous Chef are dishwasher safe. The food processor comes with a range of attachments and accessories such as the processing bowl, mini processing bowl, and blades that can be washed in the dishwasher. However, it is recommended that you hand wash the blades and discs to prevent them from becoming dull or damaged. The base unit and motor should be wiped clean with a damp cloth and never submerged in water.

How does Breville food processor dice?

The Breville food processor comes with a dicing kit that can be used to dice ingredients quickly and easily. The kit includes a dicing attachment, a dicing grid, and a cleaning tool. To dice ingredients, you need to attach the dicing kit to the processing bowl and insert the dicing grid.

Then, place the ingredients on top of the grid and turn on the food processor. The ingredients will be diced as they fall through the grid. The cleaning tool can be used to remove any remaining pieces of food from the grid.


Can the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor handle tough ingredients?

Yes, the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor comes with a powerful 1000-watt motor that can handle tough ingredients with ease. It can puree vegetables, shred meat, or knead dough without any issues.

Is it easy to clean the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor?

Cleaning the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor can be a bit of a hassle since the various attachments and blades need to be washed separately. However, the food processor comes with dishwasher-safe parts that make the cleaning process easier.

Can I use the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor to make nut butter?

Yes, you can use the Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor to make nut butter. You can use the S-Blade attachment to grind nuts into a smooth butter-like consistency. However, it may take some time and patience to achieve the desired texture.


The Breville BFP660SIL Sous Chef 12 Cup Food Processor is a highly versatile and efficient kitchen appliance that can make your cooking tasks a lot easier and quicker. With its powerful motor and various attachments, you can chop, slice, shred, puree, and knead ingredients with ease.

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